Valuation and Appraisals
Equipment Valuations
- In an ever changing marketplace the smallest of mistakes on a valuation could equal tens of thousands of dollars*
- Have handled/overseen more than $8 million in dental related equipment transactions and continue to daily.*
Past Clients Include:
- Large/Small Banks
- Attorneys
- Buy/Sell Agreements
- Accountants
- Trustees
- Other Resellers
- Insurance Companies
Two Types of Valuations:
- On site (1800-2800 depending on # office size)
- Desktop ($5,500-$6,500 based on size of office, location, # of items to be tested)
To call for pricing click here.
More Thorough Approach to Values:
All Valuations are comprised of 3 separate values on each appraisal:
- High Retail
- Avg Retail
- Wholesaler/Liquid
Includes: 1 Hour Consult for Each Valuation
Turn Around Time: 72 Hr, once all pertinent information on equipment is received
Note: Viking Dental Group has been asked to re-evaluate appraisals and make expert opinions on current valuations being used in court cases.
What’s Needed from Client:
- Make/Model
- Manf Date
- Pictures (for grading condition) including serial tag.
- Usage data (number of cycles, exposure/scan count along with any major/minor functional issues past and present.
(Can collect all of this data s as well as test on all onsite valuations)